Is there any way to use and still have option items sorted in pop-up menus? provides cook ways to create HTML form. To create a pop-up menu, I can do something like this:

  # create a hash of terms
  my @terms = MyLibrary::Term->get_terms(sort => 'name');
  my %terms;
  foreach (@terms) { $terms{$_->term_id} = $_->term_name }


  $html .= $cgi->popup_menu(-name => 'id', -values => \%terms);


  -name is the name of the parameter I want returned
  -values is a reference to a hash containing id and value pairs.

The problem is that -values is a hash, and when displays the pop-up menu the items do not come out sorted. (They were inserted into the hash in a sorted order.)

Is there some I can get to output the popup items in sorted order, or should I write my own little function to do this for me?

Eric Lease Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame

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