---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 08:13:00 -0400
>From: "Mark Hewes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: script stresses system  
>To: perl4lib@perl.org
>I will run a script on a Windows XP PC against a file of MARC records
>and it appears that the script significanly stresses my PC; the drive
>light stays on, the fan runs continuously, it heats up,  For example a
>script may run against a file of records by checking against another
>file, and then writing the revised records out to a new file, and this
>script may run several hours before completing.  Is there any way to
>make the script less stressful, perhaps by pausing or hanging between
>records, or after reading from or writing to disk?

Those sound as good as any.  Is there an issue with it being stressful?  I 
haven't had a huge number of issues with using MARC::Record or the various MARC 
classes, and I've done it on some rather large collections of MARC files.  My 
hardware isn't much to write home about.  It may have taken a while, but it 
certainly wasn't too stressful.  

If it's speed you're worried about, it sounds like this task should be pretty 
easy to run in parallel, just run the script over different sets of MARC 

So....I guess if you want more advice you might want to give a little bit more 
information.  Issues could be you just have a woefully underpowered machine or 
issues with memory.  Bad hardware is always a possibility.

Of course, far more likely is that there's some other inefficiency with your 
scripts, but without seeing them it's difficult to gauge an answer.  


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