
I try to process some records obtained frommy ILS system (Millennium) in UTF-8 characterset and I obtain this error:

utf8 "\xF9" does not map to Unicode at /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/Encode.pm line 162.

I use a Unix Machine with FEDORA CORE 10 and perl 5 installed. I installed MARC::Record using CPAN installation.

I created a little program to test the records and I put It here to accept some invoices:

use strict;
use warnings;

use MARC::Batch;
use MARC::Charset;

  my $setting = MARC::Charset->assume_unicode(1);
  my $ignore = MARC::Charset->ignore_errors(1);

  my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC', 'FILE.out');

  my $count=0;
  while(my $record = $batch->next()){
   my $Etq001 = $record->field('001');
    print $count,"---",$Etq001->as_string(),"\n";

  print "TOTAL",$count,"\n";

Anybody have any Idea?

Thanks in advance...

Jordi Pallarès Llorens

Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC)

Tel: 93 205 13 06 ext.806 (NOU TELEFON)
Fax: 93 205 01 50

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