I've written some perl scripts in the past but I've never printed to a printer, and I'm having trouble getting this to work. I'd be grateful for any help you could give me.

What I want to do is print to a receipt printer on the parallel port (or in some cases a USB port) of a PC running Windows XP or Windows 2000. Ideally, I'd like to print a scaler or an array to the printer, rather than printing the contents of a file. Actually, the goal is to print the price of items on the checkout receipt at the circ desk. Our III system doesn't provide for this, but I was going to try to intercept the print job using Alphatronics Port Monitor, send the receipt data to a script that looked up each barcode and returned its price, and then printed out the receipt plus the value of what you checked out. Maybe it's not a practical project; at this point I'm trying to get a feel for whether this is something I could do.

What I've done: I've installed ActivePerl and nmake on my pc (later I tried Strawberry Perl). I also tried several things for printing:

1. Tried this code:
open(PRN, "|lp");
print PRN "hello";

result: error message:
'lp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

2. Tried this code:
open( LPT, "> lpt1" ) or die "error opening printer port $!\n";
print LPT "hello";

result: no error message, but no printing.

3. Tried installing and use the module "Printer" from cpan but it seems to need Win32::Printer.

4. Tried installing Win32::Printer but it fails the "make".

Is there something else I can do? Maybe a different scripting language would make it easier to print in Windows.

Phil Shirley
Technology Services Coordinator
Cuyahoga Falls Library
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
330-928-2117, ext. 109
pshirley at CuyahogaFallsLibrary dot org

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