On Sat 01 Nov 2003 15:11, "H.Merijn Brand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As announced in my plans somewhere back in september 2002, I finally found
> time to check and change.
> The plan was to make the call-back's safe and call them allways, even if the
> option for which the call-back was cretead is unset.
> To do so, two criteria should be met:
> 1. All currently created call-back should have code to check that they will
>    only do what they are supposed to do when the option *is* set.
> 2. Configure should allways call them, but still be safe in how to deal with
>    what it currently does.
> Both are pure for backward compatibility, and shouldn't alter the current
> behaviour, but open up for expansions in the call-back units to do things in
> case the option is *not* set.
> I was amazed to find that point 1 is already met. This means that the setting
> of the variable currently is done twice, once in Configure, and when it's set
> end the cbu is called, it's checked again. I expected to have a lot of work in
> this area, but I have no work here at all :)
> Below are the proposed patches.
> a. The patch to hints/README.hints, explaining that the cbu's should take care
>    of item 1.
> b. The complete patch to Configure, This will have to be broken up to the
>    metaunits
> c. A small patch to solaris_2.sh, which I think simplifies reading

a) and b) as

Change 21712 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2003/11/13 09:22:21

        Enable hints to create call-back units that can act when
        a specific variable is *not* set (like -Uuselargefiles)

Affected files ...

... //depot/perl/Configure#551 edit
... //depot/perl/hints/README.hints#13 edit

c) as

Change 21713 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2003/11/13 09:25:15

        Simplified the reading

Affected files ...

... //depot/perl/hints/solaris_2.sh#89 edit

H.Merijn Brand        Amsterdam Perl Mongers (http://amsterdam.pm.org/)
using perl-5.6.1, 5.8.0, & 5.9.x, and 806 on  HP-UX 10.20 & 11.00, 11i,
   AIX 4.3, SuSE 8.2, and Win2k.           http://www.cmve.net/~merijn/
http://archives.develooper.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send smoke reports to: [EMAIL PROTECTED], QA: http://qa.perl.org

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