Change 17992 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2002/10/10 11:29:12

        Subject: Re: Hash::Util::lock_keys inhibits bless
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. Koenig)
        Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 06:38:57 +0200
        Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Affected files ...

.... //depot/perl/lib/Hash/ edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/perl/lib/Hash/ (text) ====
Index: perl/lib/Hash/
--- perl/lib/Hash/      Wed Oct  2 07:09:11 2002
+++ perl/lib/Hash/       Thu Oct 10 04:29:12 2002
@@ -59,10 +59,11 @@
 Restricts the given %hash's set of keys to @keys.  If @keys is not
 given it restricts it to its current keyset.  No more keys can be
-added.  delete() and exists() will still work, but it does not effect
-the set of allowed keys. B<Note>: the current implementation does not
-allow you to bless() the resulting hash, so if you want to use
-lock_keys() for an object, you need to bless it prior to locking it.
+added. delete() and exists() will still work, but will not alter
+the set of allowed keys. B<Note>: the current implementation prevents
+the hash from being bless()ed while it is in a locked state. Any attempt
+to do so will raise an exception. Of course you can still bless()
+the hash before you call lock_keys() so this shouldn't be a problem.
End of Patch.

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