Branch: refs/heads/yves/hex_oct_digit_vars
  Commit: 1753a64dfe1bc135f45981efdbf023b33c689cce
  Author: Yves Orton <>
  Date:   2022-07-30 (Sat, 30 Jul 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M t/comp/parser_run.t
    M t/re/pat.t
    M toke.c

  Log Message:
  Allow binary and hex "digit" vars, and explicit octal under strict

Prior to this patch ${0x10} would require "no strict refs", with this patch
it is a legal alternative spelling for $16, likewise with ${0b10000},
and explicit octal (eg, with 0o prefix) as well. Note that ${0x010} and
${0b00010000} and similar are also allowed and will both also map to $16.

Since these values are constant it seems reasonable to treat them like
their decimal equivalents. Note that $0x10 does not work as one might
think, it parses as $0 x 10, only ${0x10} is allowed, similarly
$0b10 is forbidden, but ${0b10} is not. Note that $::0x10 and $::0b10
are NOT digits vars equivalent to $16 and $2, but rather $main::0x10
and $main::0b10.

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