Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Commit: 13dc9989e55acd863329057e268c87a3f6f53aab
  Author: Lukas Mai <>
  Date:   2023-03-30 (Thu, 30 Mar 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M op.c

  Log Message:
  op.c: remove unneeded variable

`is_module_install_hack` is a local variable in S_process_special_blocks
that is only used to silently treat INIT blocks (in package
Module::Install::DSL) as BEGIN blocks. But instead of setting the
variable and jumping before the `if` block that checks the variable, we
can just jump into the block and get rid of the variable.

  Commit: f0ccf3d06975afe2d1bcdc52912395058983b8e6
  Author: Lukas Mai <>
  Date:   2023-03-30 (Thu, 30 Mar 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M op.c

  Log Message:
  op.c: use consistent spacing around = and ,

... in the Module::Install::DSL hack. Also, move `{` up to the same line
as the controlling `if` for consistency with the rest of the file.


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