Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Commit: 1b2f9fc32edcecb73698f195b0330f1eb09759d4
  Author: Lukas Mai <>
  Date:   2023-09-04 (Mon, 04 Sep 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M pod/perl.pod
    M pod/perlop.pod
    M pod/perlsyn.pod
    M t/porting/known_pod_issues.dat

  Log Message:
  perlop, perlsyn: make abstract more verbose/precise

If you're looking for the syntax of Perl expressions or strings, you
might think that "perlsyn - Perl syntax" is the document you need. But
perlsyn is mostly about syntax at the statement level. Expressions
(including how string literals are parsed, available escape sequences,
etc) are documented in perlop instead.

Hopefully, making the abstract slightly more verbose will make it easier
for people to find the documentation they're looking for.

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