On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 07:20:54PM +0000, Tom Hughes wrote:
> I was assuming that if people thought it was a good idea a version
> could be put on CPAN as a standalone module for people with older
> perls.
> Such a version would probably have to have a hash of features and
> the version numbers where they were introduced of course.

This strikes me as completely topsy-turvy. The idea here is to guard
against backports and other messing about. So if you've got a module
on CPAN which tells the world that feature 'our' requires version 5.6.0,
and I backport 'our' to 5.005_04, then your module is incorrect. It
would have to be something that goes as part of the core distribution.

Ermine? NO thanks. I take MINE black.
    - Henry Braun is Oxford Zippy

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