Russ Allbery [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>> Or, is it just to find the word 'license' in the tarball and not bother
*>> with evaluating the license?
*>Right.  If that ends up being a problem with a particular module, one can
*>always query the author if one cares about the license.  The majority of
*>people will use some standard license.

Can you define 'standard' license and what the pros and cons of each are
and what types of code are best suited?

I appreciate the need for licenses, but I am not a lawyer and do not
dispense legal advice therefore I don't see the advantage of telling
people to license their code without advising them on which to use. 
It seems rather simple to me that one could just say that if you don't
license your code, people won't use your module.

How many people really understand what 'under the same terms as Perl
itself' means in various situations and applications? 

Perhaps someone could feel moved to write the perlice.pod. :) ...AND have
it checked by legal counsel.


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