Anirvan Chatterjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:The following code hangs when run under perl 5.6.1. It runs just fine
:under 5.005_03, and possibly other versions.
:       my @strings = ('', '..');
:       my @sorted = sort {
:           study $a;
:           return 1 if (($a =~ m/\w\.$/) && ($b !~ m/\.$/));
:           return 0;
:       } @strings;
:This works fine if the study is removed. It also works fine outside
:the context of a sort.

Thanks for the report. This bug has already been fixed in the latest
development version, so 5.6.2 and 5.8.0 should both work correctly
once they become available.

Unfortunately I do not know of an easy workaround for this bug, except
not to use study when your regexps are end-anchored (ie, have a '$'
anchor). However, in the example code you show I would be surprised
if the study() was gaining you anything - you may want to try doing
some benchmarks against perl5.005_03 to verify.

If you desperately need a fix for 5.6.1, the patch at:
should apply at around line 1306 of util.c.

Hope this helps,

Hugo van der Sanden

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