Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
> > Are we sure that one seed computed at script start is safe-enough?
> > If the CGI server is up for months cannot the bad-hat deduce the seed
> > and tailor the exploit to match?
> I think yes.

CGI programs are forked at each request.
However, if I understand correctly, mod_perl enhanced apaches will only
recompute the seed at apache startup (or restart) time (and _not_ at
graceful restart time.) (I'll have to check this.)

> But unless we use a balanced data structure to implement the hashes,
> someone will always be able to find a way to create degenerate data
> structures.  The random seed only makes the guessing harder.

Yes. Figuring out the seed sounds quite difficult.

> > I dislike environment variables affecting the way programs work.
> Like PATH or PERL5LIB or LD_LIBRARY_PATH or ...?

or PERLIO ? ;-)

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