Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Slaven Rezic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Maybe I missed something, but why scanning for perl module dependencies
> > at all? Core perl is not supposed to have any perl module prerequisites.
> You hit the nail on the head. It is not _supposed_ to have
> dependencies. But apparently it _does_ have dependencies, at least
> according to some dependency analyzers.
> Not scanning this particular kit hides the symptoms, but doesn't cure
> the problem (oistrich approach).
> I agree with Hugo that it would be useful if we could find a way to
> help out automated dependency checkers.

The rpm build tool seems to take every occurrence of "use" and
"require" as a prerequisite --- but some listed modules are really
only "corequisites" (or, as in Module::Build speak, modules which go
into the "recommends" section). And the rpm analysis tool obviously
can't handle constructs like
        require Mac::BuildTools if $^O eq 'MacOS';

I'm still not convinced that it's the responsibility of the perl
authors to help the rpm build tool. Maybe one could provide a META.yml
file for perl (including

  Tk: 800
  Tk::Pod: 4.24

). And the rpm build tool has to be extended to handle META.yml files.
But I think it really belongs somewhere to the rpm spec file,
something like a flag "don't scan for perl module dependencies".


Slaven Rezic - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    tknotes - A knotes clone, written in Perl/Tk.

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