On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 06:50:17PM +0200, Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:
> Boris Zentner (via RT) wrote:
> > lisa:~ borisz$ perl -MData::Dumper -le '%h = (1 => 2, a=>"b", c => 2);  
> > %h = reverse ( %x = reverse %h); print Dumper({x => \%x, h =>\%h});'
> > $VAR1 = {
> >            'h' => {
> >                     '' => 2
> >                   },
> >            'x' => {
> >                     'b' => 'a',
> >                     '2' => 'c'
> >                   }
> >          };
> > 
> > 
> > Note that %h is damaged now. I really expect to loose the dupes.
> Another "stuff on the stack is not refcounted" bug ?

I dunno, but some more data points:

    $ perl5.8.3 -le 'print (%x = ("a",1,"b",2,"b",3));'
    $ perl5.6.1 -le 'print (%x = ("a",1,"b",2,"b",3));'

I'm not sure what it should print but those are both obviously wrong.

Rick Delaney

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