Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

>On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 09:12:39AM +0100, Steve Hay wrote:
>>Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
>>>I'd like to add another question: does anybody on this list build perl
>>>with the free borland compiler nowadays?  I downloaded it and had some
>>>problems (some of which looked like recent breakage (winsock 2 stuff)
>>>and some of which did not).  I gave up before resolvin/working aroundg
>>I didn't realize that it was free!  I've always ignored it on the 
>>assumption that you had to buy it, which I've no interest in doing since 
>>I have other adequate compilers already.  I might take a look sometime.
>Let me know if you have trouble finding it on the borland.com site.
>I had to wander around a little bit.  It's just a 9Mb download, but
>you have to answer lots of pesky registration questions.
Found it OK.  Can't believe how small it is, but then I'm used to 
downloading GB's of M$ crap...

>>>Is there a need to support it anymore, with two other free options?
>>>I'd like to declare it dead unless there's somebody actually using it
>>>who can explain how they get it to work.
>>I would agree that there is no need to support it unless somebody is 
>>actually using it.  I doubt that anyone on this list is using it, 
>>otherwise surely they would have commented on the problems that you've 
>>found by now, but who knows whether anyone else is using it?
>>The extent to which it currently doesn't work might be a clue, though -- 
>>if it requires much more than minor tweaks here and there then probably 
>>nobody is doing it.
>I'm starting to think my problems might have been related to a very
>new version of dmake.  Don't know when I'll get around to trying it
>again, though.
I have it working, courtesy of change 24852!  Nothing much to it, really.

It was partly due to the switch to Winsock2 (the addition of ws2_32.lib 
had been omitted from the BORLAND case, but even these free Borland 
tools come with it!), and partly due to (my!) new dmake binary which no 
longer expands escape sequences like \n unless explicitly requested with 
an :m modifier (which Sarathy's old dmake doesn't support).

Oh, and one other niggle: the resource compiler was set as "rc", but 
actually seems to be called "brcc32".

A couple of tests complained that they couldn't find cc3250mt.dll (which 
is in the Borland compiler Bin directory).  Not sure where the 
dependency there came from, and there are a few other test failures too 
which I don't get with MSVC++ or MinGW:

Failed Test                      Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of 
../ext/B/t/deparse.t                           39    1   2.56%  37
../ext/threads/t/problems.t         5  1280    14    0   0.00%  ??
../lib/Search/Dict.t                            4    1  25.00%  4
../lib/Test/Simple/t/fail-more.t               12    1   8.33%  10
../lib/Unicode/UCD.t              117 29952   188  117  62.23%  1-34 
52-73 75-
92-119 122-
../lib/warnings.t                             554    2   0.36%  238 246
op/stat.t                                      82    1   1.22%  82
op/taint.t                                    238    2   0.84%  1 31
 (6 subtests UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 52 tests and 342 subtests skipped.
Failed 8/1007 test scripts, 99.21% okay. 125/108411 subtests failed, 
99.88% okay.

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