On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 10:24:24PM -0500, Steve Peters wrote:
> I see this sort of behavior more when putting the code into a quoted
> eval.
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sandbox$ perl -le'eval "1 for $[=0"; print $@'
>     Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at (eval 1) line 2, at EOF
> An eval'ed block just SEGVs as the normal code does.  At semi-random intervals
> this afternoon, I did see some bareword warnings, suggesting some slightly
> different results from the optimizer.  Of course, I can't seem to make that
> happen right now.

Well, $[ equals 0, so C<"1 for $[=0"> equals C<1 for 0=0>, which does
give a "Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment" error.


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