I've been running into a problem with taint checks failing in an
unexpected way under load.

This is running inside mod-perl, but I don't believe it has anything to
do with mod-perl, per se, other than perhaps the interpreter lives a bit
longer than the average.

I am actually running the Debian GNU/Linux (i386) package of 5.8.7-3,
but a very cursory look at the diffstat of changes makes me think that
it is not very divergent from mainline 5.8.7.

With that said, the Debian bug entry is at http://bugs.debian.org/303308

On to the more detailed problem description:

The following snippet of code, when run in taint mode, sometimes fails
with a taint error:

        $page =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
        $page =~ tr/a-z0-9//cd;

        $page =~ m/^([A-Z0-9]*)$/i;

        $page = $1;

        my $ev = sprintf 'require ACI::Forms::%s; $self = new 
ACI::Forms::%s($q);', $page, $page;

        $l->log('info',"page (value = '%s') is tainted when about to eval 
                if is_tainted($page);

        $l->log('info',"ev (value = '%s') is tainted when about to eval for 
page '%s'",$ev,$page)
                if is_tainted($ev);

        eval $ev;

        if ($@) {
                $l->log('err','Tried to eval %s, got %s',$ev,$@);
                return undef;

Specifically, the eval $ev; line fails.

The calls to $l->log() do trigger:

Apr  5 18:47:00 ryan2 index.pl[4539]: ACI::Forms page
(value = 'main') is tainted when about to eval 'require
ACI::Forms::main; $self = new ACI::Forms::main($q);'

Apr  5 18:47:00 ryan2 index.pl[4539]: ACI::Forms ev
(value = 'require ACI::Forms::main; $self = new ACI::Forms::main($q);')
is tainted when about to eval for page 'main'

$page should begin tainted.  This is a snippet of code that runs inside
mod_perl and Apache, using Apache::Registry, Apache::DBI and CGI.pm.

Note: This is an intermittent failure.

This was not the first request handled by this particular Apache
process, nor the last (it is still running after this error.)  This
Apache process does appear to be corrupted or broken, in some manner,
after the first time this error is reached, as it appears to fail fairly
consistently afterwards. (Though not always 100%)

is_tainted is pulled from perlsec:

sub is_tainted {
        return ! eval { eval("#" . substr(join("", @_), 0, 0)); 1 };

I'm trying to get a test done with perl-current (bleadperl), but we're
still getting a build environment up to test it in.

For an idea of how hard it is to actually trigger this bug reliably,
I've tried to reproduce it today on a test machine, and I succeed in
breaking one Apache process.  I updated my test code slightly to test a
a work around (i.e, kill the broken Apache child process off as soon as
I hit this bug so it can't break more than one request), and have been
unable to re-trigger the bug.  This covers about 32000 requests, so far.

If anyone has a suggestion, debugging patch, magic incantation to say
over sacrificial chickens, I'd appreciate it.

I'm not subscribed, so please cc: me on replies.

Ryan Anderson
AutoWeb Communications, Inc.

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