On Jun 22, 2005, at 12:06 PM, Steve Hay wrote:

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
../ext/threads/t/problems.t          5  1280    14    0   0.00%  ??
../lib/Archive/Tar/t/02_methods.t 36 9216 501 36 7.19% 134-135 142-

This is a known issue.

I reported exactly the same thing, with a patch, to Jos a few weeks ago,
and he replied that it was already known even then and was fixed in his
current dev version.

I've applied the patch from his dev version that fixes it as change 24935.

This patch was part of a list of fixes abe was working on for VMS. I've not tested them in the wild on various edge cases, but it all boils down to the fact that tar archives are unix paths (always) and the host OS may not be, so appropriate
conversion has to be done at all times -- and we missed one.

I'm currnetly adding tests for just this sort of thing, in the hope that even the
edge cases will be covered by them.

Steve, would it be acceptable to send you an RC every now and then to see how it
behaves on win32, as i currently lack access to a box running this OS?

        Jos Boumans

        "Two rules to success in life:
        1. Don't tell people everything you know"
                --Sassan Tat

        CPANPLUS        http://cpanplus.sf.net

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