On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 07:14:49AM -0000, schwern @ windhund. schwern. org 
>   use File::Basename;
>   print dirname "/var/local/";
> I would expect "/var/local/".  Instead you get "/var".  Normally on Unix
> you can't tell the difference between /foo/dir and /foo/file but the trailing
> slash disambiguates.  File::Spec gets this right.
>   use File::Spec;
>   ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath("/var/local/");
>   print $dirs;

On the other hand, the Linx dirname on my FC3 system behaves like the
current perl one:

    $ dirname /var/local
    $ dirname /var/local/

I think it could be argued either way, but personally I prefer the current
behaviour; and keeping it that way avoids a run-in with the BC police :-)

"The greatest achievement of the Austrians has been convincing the world
that Hitler was German, and Mozart Austrian."

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