On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 02:19:16PM +0100, Paul Marquess wrote:
> Whilst I'm here, when I do get around to posting a beta on CPAN, I'd prefer
> it doesn't get used in anger until it has bedded-in. If I give the module a
> version number like 2.000_00, will the CPAN shell ignore it?

This is often done incorrectly. See L<perlmodstyle/Version numbering>
for the correct WTDI:

   $VERSION = "2.000_00";    # let EU::MM and co. see the _
   $XS_VERSION = $VERSION;   # XS_VERSION has to be an actual string
   $VERSION = eval $VERSION; # but VERSION has to be a number
Just doing $VERSION = 2.000_00 doesn't get the _ into the actual
distribution version, and just doing $VERSION = "2.000_00" makes

   use Compress::Zlib 1.0;

give a warning (because it does: 1.0 >= "2.000_00" internally, and _
doesn't "work" in numified strings).

But if you are doing a beta leading up to a 2.000 release, it should be
numbered < 2.000, e.g. 1.990_01.  Nothing wrong with a 2.000_01 beta
in preparation for a release 2.010 or whatever, though.

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