Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 11:17:34AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Yeah, the intention was, I believe, metasyntactic variables.  (Which I
>> still think should be a completely separate POD command.)

> Such as R<> from

> http://search.cpan.org/~arandal/Pod-PseudoPod-0.11/lib/Pod/PseudoPod/Tutorial.pod#Inline_Character_Tagging

> ?

Yup, that would work.  I would tend to use M<>, but I don't really care.

> "Still" makes me think this was argued at some point and you lost.

Well, the problem is more that the author of Pod::Simple ran out of time
to work on the package before putting out a release that added the
required support that I need to release the next version of podlators,
which is Pod::Simple-based and has been ready for nine months except that
it still needs a patch that he said would be in the next release of
Pod::Simple.  And everything else is stalled on that, since Pod::Simple
added the necessary infrastructure to add new inline sequences.

Beyond that, I think it's just a simple matter of agreeing on what letter
to use and then starting to implement it in the translators.

Maybe I should just release the new version of podlators, including the
required patch, and tell people to apply it to Pod::Simple before
installing.  :/

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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