> But on the other hand Larry could see the argumentation my way too,
> that it should be possible to use <<= and >>= as bit shifters (looking
> at it from the C heritage it is strange that & | ~ ^ operate on strings
> as they were bitvectors, but the shift ops don't).  So an unfortunate
> murky corner of the dual (strings and numbers), err, trefoil (strings
> and bitvectors and numbers), err, quatrefoil (byte strings and Unicode
> strings and bitvectors and numbers) nature of Perl strings.
> How to solve this, if this is to be solved?  *I* see as an ugly
> asymmetry blemish, but since enraged hordes of people have not
> ascended upon yes over all these years, I think I am in a minority,
> and I can live with it.  *IF* someone wants to fix this, maybe a pragma.
> Or maybe borgify Bit::Vector :-)

How is the fixing of lexical pragmas progressing?  If there were
a working solution for that, I could implement a pragma for shifting
of scalars as bitvecs.

Jarkko Hietaniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.iki.fi/jhi/ "There is this 
biologist word we use for 'stable'.  It is 'dead'." -- Jack Cohen

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