On Fri, 19 Aug 2005 at 12:07 +0200, Rafael Garcia-Suarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

From: Rafael Garcia-Suarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

David Dyck (via RT) wrote:
Just rsync'ed to the latest blead perl as was surprised
to get the following error (haven't dug through the diff's
to find out what might have triggered this)

Worksforme. Is this a clean build ?

Yes.  This is an older libc5 base 'slackware' system with
 a 2.4.32-pre1 kernel that has had trouble with signals
 before.  I think special code had been added to configure
 to test all the signals individually.  I was surprised when
 these failures occured in the POSIX build - even though miniperl
 build fine.

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