On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 12:52:07PM -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
> At 09:29 AM 8/16/00 -0500, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> >Let me draw another picture (with "try" and "catch" this time):
> >
> >         try {
> >             # code that may cause exceptions
> >         } catch {                       # catches ALL exceptions
> >             switch ($@->^_) {
> >                 case canFoo             { ... ; undef $@ }
> >                 case isa('IOError')     { ... ; undef $@ }
> >                 case isa('Oops')        { ... ; undef $@ }
> >             }
> >         }                               # implicit throw here if defined $@
> >
> >To signal that the exception was handled, the programmer undefs $@.
> >That way if the user wishes to do something when an exception occurs,
> >but not handle it, they just don't undef $@.
> Well, this is the most credible proposal for using switch that I've yet 
> seen; but it forces the user to type the same piece of arcana into 
> practically every catch block.  I want the commonest case to be the 
> simplest and most readable, and 99% of every exception handling thing I've 
> written has gone something like (adjusting to new syntax):

Well, those of you writing "exception" RFCs be sure and include this
example in there somewhere (if it's relevant to your RFC of course).

I'm done thinking about exceptions now.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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