On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 03:05:23PM -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

> =head1 ABSTRACT
> With a here doc print <<ZZZ; the ZZZ has to be at the start of a line and
> the text of the here doc, is processed verbatum.  This results in Here Docs
> that either stick out in the code, or result in unwanted leading whitespace.
> There are several FAQs that relate to this problem.  This proposal tidies
> this up.
> Suggested syntax:
> print <<<xxx, <<<"xxx", print <<<'yyy', or print <<<`zzz`. 

shell does something similar with


       <<[-] word
              The shell input is read up to a line  that  is  the
              same  as  word, or to an end-of-file.  No parameter
              substitution, command substitution or filename gen­
              eration  is performed on word.  The resulting docu­
              ment, called a here-document, becomes the  standard
              input.   If  any  character  of word is quoted with
              single or double quotes or a \,  no  interpretation
              is  placed  upon  the  characters  of the document.
              Otherwise,  parameter  and   command   substitution
              occurs,  \  followed by a newline is removed, and \
              must be used to quote the characters \, $,  `,  and
              the  first character of word.  If <<- is used, then
              all leading tabs are stripped from  word  and  from
              the document.


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