
There is one significant area of perl that has very little attention here
(other than one of my RFCs) that is regexs.

Perl has very powerfull regexs - but what other features might be desirable?
I had one long term good idea on assignment and submitted that, but there
may be other things people have thought - wouldn't it be nice if, - I wish
XXX was easiler?

Here is a few throw away thoughts - they don't constitute RFC material yet,
I am not sure if they would be that useful and have not yet thought
of any syntax, but any others?  All of these can be done today but are
not necessarily "easy".

* Embeded patterns that do not match a pattern - you can do [^a]* for a
string that does not have an a, but can you match a string that does not
contain "and".

* Repeated sub patterns - qr allows you to compile a pattern, but if you want
to use a same sub pattern as part of many regexs this is not easy.  (The
keyword there is PART).

* Using the pattern returned from some function as part of a regex

* Using an array of "words" as an alternate list as part of a regex

* Fill your idea in here [                  ]

Richard Proctor

[ Years ago I did a significant pattern matching package (for another
computer language), and know quite a lot about the theories so I am not
exactly a novice]

[[ Enough free time between now and Sunday Lunchtime [1] to be on list for
once ]]

[1] And the start of the next business trip...


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