Do we want to come up with any modifications to the scope of $! (I'm not 
talking about the dual string-number nature)?  I've occasionally been 
flummoxed by looking at it when there hadn't really been an error (but it's 
set anyway, randomly it seems); or calling some module method that failed 
and then wondering whether $! tells me anything useful or not (did the 
method make a failed system call?).

I realize this is very pedestrian compared to the exception-handling stuff 
we've been tossing around, which could largely be said to render the issue 
moot; but I thought I'd shake the branches anyway and see what fell out.

I'm sending this to -language because folk are probably expecting just 
exception stuff on -errors; but I think it would be best for respondents to 
redirect to -errors.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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