"Brust, Corwin" wrote:
> Tony Olekshy wrote:
> >
> > Consider this case:
> >
> >     catch $@->{severity} eq "Fatal" => { ... }
> >
> > Are you proposing to make @_ the exception stack in the catch
> > expressions too, as is:
> nope, just B<within> C<catch>.
>     catch grep $@->isa($_), qw( list_o_classes )   # works, for me
>     {
>         warn; throw ;          # but I like this better than
>         warn "$@"; throw $@;   # this
>     }
> Doesn't it seems logical that the argument list would contain
> the exception stack for block defined to handle exceptions?

Perhaps, but then we have this dichotomy that it's $@ outside and
$_[0] inside.  Anyway, we violate rule 1 of the MOTIVATIONS section
of RFC 88.  Futhermore, this breaks my expectation on where @_
comes from, because we are in a block, not a sub.

> >      1. The ability to distinguish the normal control flow from
> >         the exception handling flow to make the structure of the
> >         program clear.
> I guess I might prefer:
> The ability to write exception handling code in (much) the same
> manner as code which handles normal program behavior.

No. That's just what I don't want. That's why rule 1 is in the
Encyclopaedia of Software Engineering.  Down that path lies ruin.

> [...] we are introducing something new to per here.  A code block
> specifically for the purpose of handling the (previously?) global
> variable formerly known as $@.  IMHO it is reasonable to consider
> C<catch> a subroutine for that purpose.
> The disadvantage of localizing @_ for the C<catch> block seems, to
> me, outweighed by the consistency offer in keeping block input
> (clearly the exception stack, for C<catch>) in @_.

That's well and good, but the source code syntax says it's a block,
not a sub.  Am I supposed to spend the rest of my life asking myself,
"Wait, is this one of Corwin's special blocks?" ;-)

I think we should leave @_ alone.  @@ is free and it's the perfect
dual of $@.  What more could we ask for?

Yours, &c, Tony Olekshy

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