Chaim Frenkel wrote:
> NW>    $old = assign($var, $val);
> NW>    $old = assign($var) = $val;
> NW>    $old = assign = $var, $val;
> I don't think that the assigned values should be moved by perl into
> the argument list.

> You are reintroducing another version of the list flattening problem.
> "Where do the arguments belong"

I don't see how this is true. If this is made to work "correctly":

>         (@foo, @bar) = (@bar, @foo)

Then these would work identically:
    @old = flipvals(@foo, @bar);
    $old = flipvals = @foo, @bar;

If arrays are maintained "properly" (not flattened) in Perl, then they
will remain separate, whether as parameters, across = assignments, etc,
etc. The same goes true for mixing arrays and scalars and hashes:

    @stuff = docoolstuff(%hash, $var, @array);
    @stuff = docoolstuff(%hash, $var) = @array;

> By limiting it to only the programmer specified arguments, you reduce
> complexity with no loss of generality.

You do lose the ability to chain subs together, which is neat. For
example, using a sub a middle value to a split():

   @user = ($uid, $x, $p->format) = split /:/, <PASSWD>;

In this case there's no easy way to write this without a couple lines,
which is too bad. But moving assigned values into the arg list fixes

Keep in mind that more complex "true" lvalue subs will still be
available via the :lvalue keyword. This proposal just makes the default
syntax of subs more flexible.


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