Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > > > $a[$i][$j][$k] or $a[$i,$j,$k]
> > The second one has no useful meeting, "," is just an operator which
> > does nothing much useful in this context.
> Not true, at least not in the Perl I know. :-) Here's a description of
> what these do in Perl just to clarify:
>    $a[0][1][2];      # get a single multidimensional element
>    $a[0,1,2];        # get elements 0, 1, and 2 of @a

Ahem.  We've been arguing about getting rid of $@%, but haven't yet!
$a[0,1,2] returns exactly $a[2], since it is a $calar context.
Perhaps you were thinking of @a[0,1,2]?

In any case, having good multi-dimensional syntax for scalar access but 
not for list access is not very orthogonal.

Also, C<,> inside (scalar) square brackets is B<not> useless!
Consider e.g.

    print $line[do_something_for_side_effect, $a+$b]


Ariel Scolnicov        |"GCAAGAATTGAACTGTAG"            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compugen Ltd.          |Tel: +972-2-6795059 (Jerusalem) \ We recycle all our Hz
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