Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Like all other optimizing attempts, the first step is analysis.
>People have to sit down and systematically go through and find out
>what parts of perl (and Perl) are eating up space and speed.  The
>results will be very surprising, I'm sure, but it will give us a
>concrete idea of what we can do to really help out perl's performance.
>There should probably be an RFC to this effect, and I'm just visiting
>here in perl6-language so I dump it on somebody else.

Alan Burlison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Drawing conclusions based on a single test can be

Leaping to conculusions based on no tests at all is even worse...

Will anyone bite the bullet and write the "Internals Decisions should
be based on actual tests on multiple platforms" RFC ?

Nick Ing-Simmons

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