Fisher Mark wrote:

> How small do we really need to go?  Are we looking at implementing Perl for
> microcontrollers, or are we only worrying about Perl for PDAs? 

> On the other hand, microcontrollers still don't have a lot of RAM, at least
> as compared to PDAs. 

I heard that a major mobile telephone manufacturer might be putting a JVM
chip in one of their future models.

I would like to be able to compile Perl programs to JVM so that they can run
on such a device.  I don't know if that's as small as a what you mean by
microcontrollers, but it's still pretty small (probably smaller than a PDA,
since RAM on the phone will be taken up by lots of phone-related stuff :).

Of course, all of Perl couldn't be supported, but I'd like to be able to
define a subset of Perl that is permitted, and tell the developer at compile
time that they have stepped out of the subset (see my other post on another
thread for more stuff about that).

My hope is that the perl6 (note case) will be able to provide me the hooks
I'd need to do that.

Bradley M. Kuhn  -

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