Damian Conway wrote:
> On a cursory reading, I have no objections to it, if the indirect
> object syntax is to be preserved.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. Note, however, that the RFC
doesn't just cover indirect object syntax, but also function syntax:

   $r = new(CGI, @args);  # CGI->new(@args)
   dostuff(@stuff);       # $stuff[0]->dostuff(@stuff[1..$#stuff])

This is intended to address the tight-binding problem of the indirect

Just wanted to clarify this, as I think this may be the part that
overlaps with what you're doing. Under this syntax, the object would be
called for you automatically, so your prototypes wouldn't have to deal
with optional first arguments at all:

   print($FILE, "$stuff");  # $FILE->print($stuff)
   print("$stuff");         # main::print($stuff)


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