Jeremy Howard wrote:
 My plan for this list is to strongly encourage RFC maintainers to work
> together to remove conflicts and incompatibilities from their RFCs. This
> will sometimes require retiring a number of RFCs and writing a new
> consolidated one.
> My hope is that we can have a single set of frozen RFCs in a month's time,
> with incompatible or redundant RFCs withdrawn. This is not my expectation,
> however. I expect that there will be some issues on which we fail to reach
> concensus. I these cases we should be able to identify the key issues we are
> at odds about and put them into conflicting RFCs that reference each other.
> In the end, I trust Larry to make good in-or-out decisions if we give him
> good input. We have a responsibility to try and find the 'right answer'
> where there is one, and compromise where it is appropriate.

This is a good enough plan, and more or less what I envisage as a sensible
process. But as a scientist I distrust all this deference to one single


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