Since everyone seems intent on breaking backward compatibility
(Okay, so no one is explicitly setting out to do so, it is merely often
dismissed as a non-issue). How about an RFC be done proposing that
perl6 ship with a module named Perl5. Which one can use to remedy
most breakings between the two?

Things it could do (based on current proposals):
        open BAREWORD support through overloading of open
        sub chop($) { chomp ($_[0] ? $_[0] : $_), "\n"; }
        $/ (It's a valid variable, things just need to be overloaded to default to it)

And if $^W is set, it warns about non Perl5 syntax; multiple foreach
variables, etc

I know this would make me happier and more apt to submit to various
attrocities ;-) Anyone else?
#!/usr/bin/perl -nl
$_="Gnxr 1-3 ng n gvzr, gur ynfg bar vf cbvfba.";&{$F[0]};sub t{*t=sub{};
return if rand()<.5;$_="Vg'f abg lbhe ghea lrg, abj tb.";&{$F[0]};$_=0;}
sub v{print map sprintf('%c', 2**7-2**2),(1 .. $0);}&v;}{$_++;$_--;$_||=4;
if($_>>2||($_<<2>12)){$_="Vainyvq ragel";&{$F[0]};last;}&t;$0-=$_;$_="Lbh jva";
die(&{$F[0]}) if !($0-1);$0-=$0%2?$0>2?2:1:$0<=5?$0>2?3:1:rand>.5?1:3;
$_="V jva";die(&{$F[0]}) if !($0-1>1);}&v __END__
MOTD on Boomtime, the 23rd of Bureaucracy, in the YOLD 3166:

Those students who have become one with the universe will be allowed to go on and 
become two with the universe.

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