Raptor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>What is interesting to me :
>1. "push" is used more than any of the other array ops, even than "shift"
>2. "use" is very good candidate for speedup
>3. We still use very much "goto" :")
>4. "each" is used more than "values" and "keys"
>5. Things like "hex,chr,oct,atan2" are used very rarely
>6. "pack" and "unpack" are also used very rarely, "study" -
>    the same number of times.
>We can make similar thing for the whole CPAN.
>What will this give to us :
>1. It will help us to decide which of the operators are mostly used
>   (CPAN is suitable for this) so then we can take care
>   to speed up only mostly used ops in the new Perl6 (or Perl5)
>   (current script doesn't care about the "weight" of the ops i.e.
>    it doesn't count how many times any op will be used in REAL LIFE f.e
>    some op may execute 10 times during the life of the module but other can
>    executed only once. They are both counted as "ONE time" execution)

This is the snag with this - it may noy be 1 : 10 
but as in profile example I sent at weekend 1 : 5,833,600

Thus although 'use' occurs a lot as (by definition!) it is only executed once
it is less important than it looks.

Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Via, but not speaking for: Texas Instruments Ltd.

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