Damian Conway wrote:
> That's indeed precisely what I meant. In fact, all list-returning built-ins
> ought to be optimized this way.

I think we're pretty much agreed on this point, but I have a tangential
question about want().

By RFC 21, it looks like the call would be

   if ( want 'LIST' ) {
      $num_to_return = want;
      # do stuff

I'm basing this on the description which says:

> If C<want> is called in any other context without arguments, it returns
> a list consisting of the expectation count, followed by all aspects that
> are currently true.

However, at one time the discussion had implied that in a scalar
context, you could use want as so:

   if ( want eq 'LIST' ) { }

That is, it doesn't return the expectant count as arg1, but rather what
is wanted. This syntax I actually prefer, since you could easily switch
very quickly like so:

    $want = want;
    return $want eq 'LIST' ? do_list_stuff :
           $want eq 'SCALAR' ? do_scalar_stuff :

You get the idea. It also allows you to have a function which
automatically is generated or dispatched:

   my $func = lc want . "_func";
   return &$func(@_);

Since RFC 21 is still on v1, my question is: Which is it? Personally, I
like the second one better. Now, if in a scalar context want() returned
a polymorphic object:

    $want = want;
    return $want eq 'LIST' ? do_list_stuff($want->numargs) :
           $want eq 'SCALAR' ? do_scalar_stuff($want->someotherparam) :

Then it seems we have the best of both worlds. Input?


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