*finally* getting around to answering these... ;-)

Jon Ericson wrote:
> This is not strictly true.  <> is shorthand for <ARGV>.  ARGV is the
> special filehandle that opens each file in @ARGV.  If @ARGV is empty,
> $ARGV[0] is set to '-'.

Thanks for the clarification.
>   @ARGV = ('filename');
>   # code passes
>   @data = <>;

The problem here - which I didn't explicitly mention in the RFC but
should have - is if you have valid stuff in @ARGV *and* want to change
the default <> input. This is not possible currently.
>   $yes_or_no = <STDIN>; # read from STDIN
>   @data = <>;           # read from ARGV

Good point; again the difference would be that instead of <> assuming
ARGV, it would assume $DEFIN. Now, if you didn't reset $DEFIN, it would
point to opening the file $ARGV[0], meaning the behavior would be the
same as currently. However, if you did changed $DEFIN then all input
functions would be affected and you could have a lot of cool stuff.

Anyways, all this probably needs to be clarified considerably to show
the real gains, so I'll do that for v2.


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