> I'm all for adding a new and improved time mechanism with a bit less
> of the oddness localtime() carries, but does it really hurt us to leave
> the old style in the core?

Not necessarily. But I think most people agree we should decide on one
interface. If we stuck to this, we'd have to move localtime() and
gmtime() somewhere else.

I was initially much more against this than I am now. When I heard
formats were going out of core I almost wet myself. But putting them in
a module, if it means everything else is better and faster, makes sense.

> >   $ ./p52p6 mydatescript
> >   localtime() no longer in core - use date() instead [importing
> > Time::Local]
> It would be a horrible idea to have every existing Perl program spit
> out reams of warnings whenever running under Perl 6.

I knew this example was going to cause problems, I should have left it

The "p52p6" is supposed to be the "Perl 5 to Perl 6 Converter". The
warnings would only be spit out when converting your program to Perl 6.
So run this on your script and whammo:

   use Time::Local;   # added by p52p6

is added to your script automatically. No rewriting necessary, localtime
now works.

As for the conversion issue, this is way outside the scope of this
discussion, so I'd rather not speculate on it at all at this stage (I
know nothing about it and don't claim to).


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