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=head1 TITLE

Exception objects and classes for builtins

=head1 VERSION

      Maintainer: Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      Date: 9 Aug 2000
      Last-Modified: 12 Aug 2000
      Version: 2
      Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Number: 80


This RFC proposes that builtins that throw exceptions throw them as objects
belonging to a set of standard classes.  This would enable an exception
type to be easily recognized by user code.  The behavior if the exception
were not trapped should be identical to the current behavior (error message
with optional line number output to STDERR and exit with non-zero exit code).


RFC 63 proposes a standard exception handling mechanism with syntax and
semantics adapted from Graham Barr's  This allows code like

      try {
          # fragile code
      } catch Exception::IO {
          # handle IO exceptions
      } catch Exception::Socket, Exception::FTP {
          # handle network exceptions
      } catch {
          # handle other exceptions

Exceptions are objects blessed into classes the user names after the type
of exception; their attributes include text which will be be given to
C<die> (one that won't be trapped) if the exception is uncaught.  So
modules can throw exceptions without requiring that the user be trapping them.

Builtins experiencing fatal errors currently call C<die>, which is to say,
they throw an exception.  Builtins experiencing non-fatal errors return a
variety of error codes.  RFC 70 proposes that these be trappable exceptions
if C<use Fatal> is in effect.

This RFC proposes that both exceptions be objects blessed into a
standard set of classes which can be checked for by the user.  This is much
cleaner than

      eval {
          # fragile code
      if ($@) {
          # play guessing games with regexen on $@
          # and hope that the error message doesn't
          # change in the next release.

Yes, this proposal is very Javaish.  I don't do much programming in Java
but I like the way it does this.

=head2 Object Attributes

The exception object will have these attribute methods filled in by perl:

=over 4

=item id

Unique numeric identifier, assigned by perl developers.  A number range
for user exceptions will also need to be provided.  I am not going to
touch the issue of whether the perl developers should set up registries
for CPAN developers to grab ranges for their own exceptions.

=item message

The text of the exception, e.g., "Out of memory".

=item severity

Relative level of fatality.  Chosen from some TBD enumeration.

=item line

Line number exception was thrown at.

=item file

File exception was thrown in.

=item data[(userdata)]

User data, arbitrarily complex.  If the user knew the underlying object
implementation, of course they could stick in attributes with any names
they wanted; but nothing should rely on that, so this hook is provided.


Stringifying the object itself will yield the C<message> attribute.  A
C<facility> attribute was suggested to indicate what part of perl is
throwing the exception: IMO that is covered in the exception class.

=head2 Classes

This is a strawman exception class enumeration.  The merits of this RFC do
not depend on this being a good list, only on it being possible to
find a reasonable one.  A common prefix like C<Exception::> is elided for

=over 4

=item Arithmetic

Divide by zero and friends.

=item Memory

C<malloc> failed, request too large, that sort of thing.

=item Eval

A compilation error occurred in C<eval>, C</e>, or C<(?{ ... })>.  Possible
candidate for subdividing.

=item Regex

A syntax error occurred in a regex (built at run-time).  Possible candidate
for subdivision.

=item IO

An I/O error occurred.  Almost certainly should be subdivided, perhaps
parallel to the C<IO::> hierarchy.

=item Format

Error in format given to C<pack>, C<printf>, octal/hex/binary number
etc.  Could use a better name.

=item Thread

Some goof in threading.

=item Object

Tried to call non-existent method, that kind of thing.

=item System

Attempt to interact with external program failed (maybe it ran out of
process slots, that kind of thing).

=item Taint


=item Reference

Attempt to dereference wrong kind of thing.

=item Recursion

Excessive subroutine recursion, maybe also infinite C<split> or C<s///>
loops (although arguably they would throw a C<Regex> exception).


There are bound to be other categories that should be covered.  This
is just to put meat on the bones.  This is the province of librarians;
the fact that it's possible to argue endlessly about the choices doesn't
preclude coming up with good ones.


This should not be construed as requiring that clearly fatal errors (e.g.
pointer corrupted) should be trappable, or throw O-O exceptions.  Note that
compilation errors don't have to be classified.

Do we need to mention the C<$SIG{__DIE__} problem again?


RFC 63: Exception handling syntax proposal.

RFC 70: Allow exception-based error-reporting.

RFC 85: All perl generated errors should have a unique identifier

RFC 88: Structured Exception Handling Mechanism (Try) (C<>).


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