Nathan Wiger wrote:

> Intermingling it freely:
>    my Dog $spot;
>    int x;
>    my int $y;
>    #include <sys/types.h>
>    char * name;
>    #do some regexp matching
>    s/x/5/;    /* match the C value of x defined above */
> Is really confusing, even for us humans. :-)
> -Nate

Is it confusing?  I have no trouble with it at all.  the scalar
of the perl typeglob named "spot" is a "Dog" type, bareword "x"
is a C int type, the scalar of the perl typeglob named "y" is a "int"
type (which may or may not be the same as the C int type, to be determined
one way or the other, as yet unknown), all the types in the standard C
include file sys/types.h have been defined in the current package, 
the bareword "name" is a C pointer which is going to be expected to refer
to char, AKA raw, bytes, a line starting "#do " does not match any known
C preprocessor commands and is therefore a perl comment, and

        s/x/5/; # this is still going to replace
                # all the eckses in $_ with fives.

To test if x is five or not, something like this would be in order:

        if( x == 5){ ...        // slack

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       perl -e'@w=<>;for(;;){sleep print[rand@w]}' /usr/dict/words

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