Bradley M . Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>(Think of it as writing a Last Will and Testament---you can do it on your
> own in a pinch, but it's always better to write a draft and then have a
> lawyer help you rewrite it so it's more legally sound, because it is more
> likely to DWYM when it goes out in the world.)

That is what bothers me. When I did exactly that the "legally sound" version
said something quite different to my draft - in particular gave the 
trustees rights to do things I never intended to give them. 
"But that is what is normally done" was the reply.  
After a second re-write that was still not quite right I decided I did
not care enough to pay any more.

>What Eben is now helping me with is *not* to write a new version of the
>Artistic License.  Rather, I am working from the assumption that the
>*current* AL *is* what we want, and we just need to make it legally sound.

Fine - I for one would be happy to read such a draft and see if it 
"says the same" as far as my care-abouts are concerned.

Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Via, but not speaking for: Texas Instruments Ltd.

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