> =head1 TITLE
> Data: Multi-dimensional arrays/hashes and slices


> =item *
> proposes a convenient syntax to slice multi-dimensional arrays;
> =item *
> proposes a convenient syntax create subobjects which behave as slices;
> =item *
> does it with as little overhead as possible.
> =back
It is hard to evaluate this proposal without more context. In particular:

 - How does it relate to RFC 204? Is it an alternative, or an addition?

 - How does it relate to RFC 81? The semantics of '..' seems to conflict.

 - Why is it better to make ';' "special inside a hash/array index only"

 - Why is a special token for a separator necessary "to avoid the (giant)
overhead of creation of anonymous arrays"? Don't RFC 203 arrays and RFC
81/205 lazy generation avoid this?

 - Overall, what is the problem in the existing array RFCs that this is
designed to solve?

 - Can we incorporate a solution into the existing RFCs without creating a
new conflicting one?

If there are implementation challenges around the existing RFCs, I would
rather make changes required to overcome them within those RFCs. That we we
get the benefit of the thought we've all put into the syntax of these RFCs,
plus the benefit of Ilya's deep understanding of Perl internals.

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