* Jonathan Scott Duff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [20 Sep 2000 07:15]:
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 07:29:56PM -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> > =head1 TITLE
> > 
> > Builtin: reduce
> > Separation:
> > 
> >         $sorted = reduce { push @{$_[0][$_[1]%2]}, $_[1]; $_[0] }
> >                          [[],[]],
> >                          @numbers;

> I don't understand this one.

$sorted = reduce { push @{ ^0 [ ^1 % 2 ] }, ^1; ^0 }, [[],[]], @numbers;

Hence: given an array of two arrays, put odd numbers (i.e. x % 2 == 1)
in the second array, and even numbers (i.e. x % 2 == 0) in the first one
(the zeroth array). Then return the new (filled out) pair of arrays for
the next number.

I like it.

iain truskett, aka Koschei.                    <http://eh.org/~koschei/>
You know you are addicted to coffee if...
    16  Instant coffee takes too long.

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