This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Common Callback API for all AIO calls.

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 25 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 321
  Version: 1
  Status: Developing


This RFC addresses the way callbacks are requested in the Advanced I/O
(AIO) system and how they get called. The goal is to have a common
callback style across the board.


There are several places in Perl where callbacks are needed. These
include socket I/O events, asynchonous file I/O, signals, timers, plain
events, etc. This RFC proposes a common API for requesting those
callbacks in order to keep this consistant in all those places.


A callback currently can be registered in %SIG with a code ref as do Perl/Tk
and But there are time you want to have an object oriented
callback and that requires an object and a method. handles this
with a anon list instead of the code ref. Its first element is the
object and the second is the method.

A solution which simplifies this and make calback code more consistant
is to allow either a code ref or an object as the single primary
argument to the call back API. The method called with the object is
defaulted to a name that is appropriate for the type of callback. That
method can be overridden with an optional argument.

For example, a read event would default to a method named 'readable',
and a socket connect event would default to 'connected'.

Here are two possible APIs, the first based on I/O handle objects
from RFC 14 and the second on the AIO syntax:

        $obj = bless {}, 'Foo' ;

        # these are I/O handle object based calls

        $fh->read_event( 'cb' => $obj ) ; 
        $fh->write_event( 'cb' => $obj, 'method' => 'my_write_method' ) ; 

        # this is an AIO class call
        AIO::read_event( 'fh' => $fh, 'cb' => \&my_callback ) ; 

        sub my_callback {

                my ( $fh ) = @_ ;

                print "i can read $fh from package main::\n" ;

        package Foo ;

        sub readable {

                my ( $self, $fh ) = @_ ;

                print "i can read $fh\n" ;

        sub my_write_method {

                my ( $self, $fh ) = @_ ;

                print "i can write $fh\n" ;

Most callbacks will also allow an optional timeout which would use the
the 'timed_out' method by default. You can override that method name
with the 'timeout_method' argument.

        # 10 second timeout

        AIO::read_event( 'fh' => $fh, 'cb' => $obj, 'timeout' => 10 ) ; 

        package Foo ;

        sub readable {

                my ( $self, $fh ) = @_ ;

                print "i can read $fh\n" ;

        sub timed_out {

                my ( $self, $fh ) = @_ ;

                print "$fh has had no data in a while\n" ;

=head1 IMPACT




=head1 REFERENCES  XS based event loop module.

RFC 14: Modify open() to support FileObjects and Extensibility

RFC 47: Universal Asynchronous I/O

RFC 60: Safe Signals

RFC 86: IPC Mailboxes for Threads and Signals

RFC 87: Timers and Timeouts

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