On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 10:29:31 +1100 (EST), Damian Conway wrote:

>Why not just give \I..\E a special "turn-on-interpolation" meaning in
>q{} docs?

This has been uppered already in the pre-discussion to this RFC.
Currently, '\I' is nothing special in q{}, and a lot of people don't
want to chage that.

Besides, single quotes has "this string is not interpolated!" in huge
flickering letters on it. Don't waste that.

The idea I liked the most is not messing with q{}, but instead add a
"\D" or such modifier to doouble-quotish strings, which says: DON'T
interpolate. That is precisely the opposite of this RFC.

        print F <<"END";
        $! execute a.com, copy and purge
        $ @sys$login:a.com
        $ copy $filename sys$login:*.*
        $ purge sys$login:\E$filename\D
        $ exit


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