On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 07:34:04PM -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
>   Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Most of this RFC would probably be better off in perl6-stdlib; the debugger
isn't really part of the language.  That being said, however...

> The ability to easily retrieve and edit your N most recent commands to the
> debugger (much like a bash_history).
Dosn't the default debugger do this if you've got ReadLine?

> A better default pager.
I think it would be better for this to be a nonperl thing (possibly written
in perl, but not a part of the debugger proper).

> The ability to provide a function name (preferably just the first unique
> section of its name) and
You can do the unique prefix part by looking in the symbol table.

> jump to where that function is defined, 
This, I think, would be a quite useful and simple thing to acatualy put in
the language.  Just have two implicit attributes on a sub: :line and :file,
that recive the value of __LINE__ and __FILE__ at the sub {} statement.
Note that the AutoLoader and such things that use evals to define subs would
probably want to change these attributes -- otherwise they'd probably get
the location of the AUTOLOADER sub and not where the sub being autoloaded
was acatualy written.

Most of the rest would require siginificant overhead on all programs that
might get debugged (the debugger is a module; you don't necessarly have to
start it from the commandline).  Use a tags program.  <G>

        -=- James Mastros
Version: 3.1
GU>CS d->-- s-:- a20 C++ UL+++@ P+++>+++++ L++@ E-() N o? K? w@ M-- !V
PS++ PE Y+ PGP(-) t++@ 5+ X+++ R+ tv+ b+++ DI+ D+ G e>++ h! r- y?

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