At 10:11 AM 11/2/00 -0500, Mark-Jason Dominus wrote:

>My critique of the Perl 6 RFC process and following discussion is now
>available at

The biggest issue I have with this (and had the first time around) is the 
complaint about the IMPLEMENTATION section. Bluntly, I would really rather 
there have been none included in the language RFCs and, for the ones that 
had them, I rather liked Damian's "this space intentionally left blank" ones.

We have no infrastructure to build on. Whinging about a lack of 
implementation details seems rather inappropriate.

Ideas are nice, but I expect most of the recommended implementations (if we 
got them) would've been tossed out or wildly modified anyway, and it just 
annoys folks to ignore things we've asked for.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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